There are many
species of clams living in Barnegat Bay.
Hard Clams
Life Cycle
Ark Clams
Clams |
Hard Calm or
Northern Quahog
Mercenaria mercenaria |
The hard clam, or
northern quahog
has long been a main stay of New Jersey’s
coastal communities. Since the resources of the
rich coastal bays were first harvested, the clam
captured a strong hold in the fresh seafood
market and the hearts of the summer residents. |
you think of "clams" in Barnegat Bay, usually it is the hard
When in a seafood
store or supermarket you can buy "Little Neck",
"Top Neck", "Cherrystone" or "Chowder"
clams all of which refer to different sizes of
hard clams.
In the bay, they
start life when sperm and egg unite and develop
into a larvae. The larvae are free
swimming until the shells develop and they drop
to the mud or sand of the floor of the bay where
they burrow in. Once there, they remain buried
extending siphons to draw in water which
provides a supply of microscopic plankton as
well as oxygen. They digest the nutriments
and expel non-digestible and waste material.
here> to learn more |
Soft Shell Clam
Mya arenaria |
The soft shell
clam has thin, oval, elongated shells.

The shells are chalky white with a thin,
parchment-like covering that varies in color
from brownish to yellowish to gray.
When closed, the shells gape at both ends and a
foot and two siphons protrude from either end.
Both siphons are enclosed in a leathery
The left valve has a spoon-like depression at
the hinge.
Soft shell clams grow to about 3 to 4 inches |
Fun Fact -
Soft Shell Clam are also known as "steamers",
"piss clams", "softshells", "longnecks" and in
New England "Ipswich clams" or "Essex clams"
(towns in Massachusetts) |
Fun Fact -
The term "piss clams" comes from the fact that
because the siphon often
sticks up through the sand and the clams
unwittingly revealing their location by spurting
water. |
Fun Fact -
Unlike most
other clams, the soft shell clam cannot
completely retract its siphon into its shell.
here> to learn more about soft shell
clams |
Atlantic Jackknife Clam or
Razor Clam
Ensis directus |
clams average in size between 5-9 inches.
Their length is about 6 times their width.
They ranges from yellowish to dark brown in
They are found in
the sand and mud, and are usually dug for by
hand but they are hard to catch because of the
speed at which they can burrow into the bay
They have a sweet
flavor that is similar to a lobster, but with
the same texture and consistency of a clam. They
can be consumed raw (on the half-shell),
steamed, fried, or cooked in a chowder.
Fun Fact -
because of its streamlined shell and strong
foot, razor clams can burrow in wet sand very
quickly, and also have the ability to swim. |
Stout Tagelus
plebeius |
Stout Tagelus (also called the stout razor clam)
is similar to the Atlantic Jackknife clam but
its shape is shorter and wider.
They grow to about
3 inches in length with the shell being 3 times
longer than it is wide.
They can burrow
very rapidly by extending its strong, muscular
foot into the bay bottom and pulling the shell
down after it. This species builds a permanent
burrow in mud or fine sediment, that will have a
J-shape and the end curved upward.
<click on
image to enlarge>
here for other image> |
Ark Clams
Family: Arcidae |
Ark Clams are
members of family Arcidae, thus the name
"ark". Characteristics are thick and heavy
shells, with a predominantly radiating sculpture.
Arcidae have a taxodont hinge, and the hinge
plate is
straight, with the teeth increasing in
size away from the umbo.
Most species live
attached to stones with their
byssus, but some
live in sand. |
More about
Arc Clams >>> <click
here> to learn more |
Surf Clams
The surf clam is
the most important commercial species of clam in
the United States account for about 70% of all
clams commercially harvested. |
Atlantic Surf Clam
solidissima |
Ocean Quahog
Arctica iclandica
quahogs are among the longest-lived marine
organisms in the world.
Off the U.S. East Coast, where the fishery takes
place, ocean quahogs can live for as long 200
years (or more).
They grow very slowly and do not start to
reproduce until around age 6, and do not reach a
commercially harvestable size until about age 20 |
Coquina Clams
Donax variabilis
Those little clams you see digging in when the
waves recede |
clams are a common inhabitant the barrier
island’s sandy beaches.
Known for their highly variable color patterns,
coquinas can be found buried just under the
surface of the sand in the wave-swept area of
the beach known as the "swash zone".
Because of their size (only 3/4 inch), coquinas
are eaten by a variety of sea creatures,
including crabs and seabirds.
Like most clams, coquinas use a muscular “foot”
to dig themselves under the sand away from harm. |